We invite you to review the general conditions of sale that regulate the offer and purchase of OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. products. through the online store included on this website https://oliviasseleccions.com.

By requesting the acquisition of a product and/or service through this website, the User is bound by these Conditions.


These conditions of sale are applicable to all sales that have been made through the website https://oliviaseleccions.com (hereinafter “website”).

By placing an order, you warrant to us that you are over 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts.

Orders may only be placed to purchase merchandise without the intention of resale. Any resale or distribution of products purchased through the website is strictly prohibited.

We reserve the right to cancel fraudulent, false or speculative orders, as well as those that have been requested by a client with whom there may be a difference/controversy in previous orders, or when there are reasonable doubts that could lead us to believe that the client is violating any criminal activity.

We may update these conditions of sale as well as the Legal Notice / Privacy Policy at any time. You can consult and print the updated version of both texts by clicking on the links “General conditions of sale”, “Legal Notice” and “Privacy Policy”.

User obligations

As a user, you are obliged to inform OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. all the data necessary to access and use the services of this website. These must be true and current and you agree that we can use them to contact you if necessary.

It is essential that you provide all the information that we classify as mandatory, since, if you do not do so, we will not be able to process your order. We will not be responsible in any case for possible delays or failures in delivery as a result of errors or omissions of data.

The user must make appropriate use of the services included in the website, always in accordance with the legal system and will not carry out any activity that hinders or interferes with its operation.

Security measures

We will put in place all reasonable mechanisms available to us to ensure that your personal data is kept secure at all times.

Likewise, you must adopt the necessary security measures, both personal and material, to maintain the confidentiality of your username and password and immediately notify us of the loss, misplacement, theft, theft or illegitimate access to your username and password, as well as its knowledge by third parties.


All products offered on this website are sold directly by:


C.I.F.: B63504922

Address: Carrer dels Motors, 147-155, Nau 16 (BARCELONA).

Telephone: 934436660

Email: girones@olivias.es

Purchase procedure

You can navigate the website until you find the desired item. Once located, by clicking on it you will access all the detailed information offered by the website. From there you can add the item to your purchase.

When placing the order you will be asked to enter all your details and finally confirm the order.

Once the purchase procedure has finished, you can select whether you want to generate an electronic invoice and this will be sent to the User via email. You can also request a copy of your paper invoice.

The personal data necessary for the processing of the order will be processed respecting reasonable security conditions and the laws and regulations in force that are applicable in this regard, and particularly in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection Personal and guarantee of digital rights, and the rights that assist Users in accordance with the privacy policy of this Website.

Offer coverage

The territory in which physical deliveries of the products are made is: Spain (Peninsula)

If a user is interested in receiving a product elsewhere, we advise that they contact us through the contact form or by sending an email to girones@olivias.es and we will inform them about it.


All orders are subject to availability. We are not responsible for non-existence or unavailability.

Please see the selection of items available for sale through the website, as not all items that we may offer in our stores or that may appear in catalogues, websites or other types of presentations are available for this type of sale.

In the event that there is a lack of stock or specific unavailability of an item, OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. will contact the customer to inform them immediately and give them a new delivery time or, if it is not possible to serve the product, proceed to cancel it.

If you have any questions, it is recommended to contact customer service.

Contract with OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. and acceptance of orders.

The order will not be accepted by us until the amount has been charged to our account. Upon confirming the purchase, you will receive an email confirming acceptance. Only at that time will the contract between you and us be formalized, and only for the items listed in said shipping confirmation.

Confirmation and cancellation of orders

Prior to completing the order on your part on the website, you will be able to review all the details associated with it (amounts broken down into all the necessary headings – taxes, costs, transportation, item selection, etc.), and may correct whatever you consider necessary.

After confirmation, it will not be possible to modify or cancel the order through the website. You will need to get in touch. In this case, the period can only be modified or canceled if the item has not entered the shipping phase from our warehouses.

Currency, tax and prices

In accordance with the provisions of Law 37/1992, of December 28, on Value Added Tax (VAT), all purchases from our website will be subject to value added tax. The applicable rate will be the one legally in force at all times.

All prices are shown in Euros (€) and include taxes, unless due to legal requirements, especially regarding VAT, a different issue is indicated and applied.

Prices may change at any time, but possible changes will not affect orders or purchases with respect to those that the User has already purchased.

Payment methods and security

Any order placed must be paid immediately after order confirmation. Only orders will be processed for which payment has been completed and verified.

Payment must be made by credit and debit card.

Credit and debit cards: The amount of the order will be charged to your card, so you must tell us the number, the expiration date as well as the security code CW2 (on the back of your card). In the event that your card is scarred, you will be asked for the relevant security codes.

These data will not be saved or manipulated by us, but will be registered directly in the payment gateway of the corresponding financial institution. The charge will be carried out in real time through this payment gateway. In the event that the charge cannot be carried out finally (for any reason), the order will be automatically cancelled.

Deliveries: types, deadlines and problems

Once payment is received, your order will be prepared. You can select if you want to receive it at a postal address or pick it up at our physical store.

Shipments to Spain (Peninsula)

As a general rule, packages are sent within 24/48 hours (working days) following receipt of payment, through a chosen courier service.

Except for those cases in which there are unforeseen or extraordinary circumstances or, where appropriate, derived from the customization of the products, the purchase order consisting of the products listed in each purchase confirmation will be delivered within the period indicated on this website according to the shipping method selected by the User and, in any case, within a maximum period of 30 calendar days from the date of order confirmation.

If, at the time of delivery, the order packaging is damaged, you must open the package in the presence of the logistics operator to verify the condition of the items. If damage is observed, you must detail it on the delivery note and contact us. We will repair or replace at no cost to you all items that have been damaged or lost during transport, as long as you notify us of the incident as soon as possible.

Once the order has been delivered, it will become part of your property and therefore, all damages that may arise will be your responsibility.

You can see the shipping costs detailed in the purchasing process.


In cases in which the User purchases products through the owner's Website, they are entitled to a series of rights, as listed and described below:

Right of withdrawal

In accordance with current consumer regulations, the right of withdrawal does not apply to the contracting of products that are perishable. Examples of perishable products: Dairy products such as cheeses, yogurts, fresh meats, fruits and vegetables, already cooked foods, perishable foods that have already been uncovered or removed from their original packaging, desserts and pastries, eggs, sausages, etc.

For non-perishable products, the withdrawal period of 14 calendar days provided for remote contracts will apply. Within the category of non-perishable products we can find, for example: Packaged or airtight products, jams, preserves, honey, olives, olive oil, vinegar, canned tuna, etc.

The User has the right to withdraw from the current contract within a period of 14 calendar days without the need for justification. The withdrawal period will expire 14 calendar days from the day on which you or a third party indicated by you, other than the carrier, acquired material possession of the goods.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the User must notify us at: OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L., girones@olivias.es, of their decision to withdraw from the contract through an unequivocal statement. You may use the model withdrawal form below, although its use is not mandatory.

To comply with the withdrawal period, it is enough for the communication regarding the exercise of this right by the User to be sent before the corresponding period expires.

Consequences of withdrawal:

In case of withdrawal by the User, we will return all payments received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from your choice of a delivery method other than the least expensive mode of delivery). ordinary delivery that we offer) without any undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 calendar days from the date on which we are informed of your decision to withdraw from the current contract. We will proceed to make this refund using the same payment method used by the User for the initial transaction, unless the User has expressly provided otherwise; In any case, you will not incur any costs as a result of the refund.

In general terms OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. It does not allow returns for health issues. With the exception of specific cases due to an error in the management of order processing. OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. will contact the customer to offer a solution and, in that case, the return costs will be borne by OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L.

You must assume the direct cost of returning the goods. It is estimated that this cost amounts to approximately X euros at most.

The User must return the Products in perfect condition, otherwise the product may suffer depreciation. Consequently, the User is informed that he will be responsible for the decrease in value of the products resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods. That is, if the product is not returned with the original packaging or in perfect condition OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. can charge the cost of the devaluation of the product.

The User acknowledges knowing that there are exceptions to the right of withdrawal, as stated in article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws. By way of example, and not exhaustively, this would be the case of: goods made in accordance with the specifications of the consumer and user or clearly personalized, the supply of goods that may deteriorate or expire quickly, the supply of sealed goods that are not suitable for be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and that have been unsealed after delivery, the supply of goods that after their delivery and taking into account their nature have been inseparably mixed with other goods.

Return of defective products or shipping error

These are all those cases in which the User considers that, at the time of delivery, the product does not comply with what is stipulated in the contract or purchase order, and that, therefore, they must contact OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. Immediately and let you know the existing non-conformity (defect/error) by the same means or using the contact information provided in the previous section (Right of Withdrawal).

The User will then be informed about how to proceed with the return of the products, and these, once returned, will be examined and the User will be informed, within a reasonable period, of the refund or, where appropriate, the replacement of the product. same. The refund or replacement of the product will be made as soon as possible and, in any case, within 14 days following the date on which we send you an email confirming that the refund or replacement of the non-conforming item is appropriate. The amount paid for those products that are returned due to a defect, when it really exists, will be fully refunded, including delivery costs and costs that the User may have incurred to make the return. The refund will be made by the same payment method that the User used to pay for the purchase. In any case, the rights recognized in the legislation in force at all times for the User, as a consumer and user, will always apply.


The User, as a consumer and user, enjoys guarantees on the products that he or she may purchase through this Website, under the terms legally established for each type of product. In the case of a contract for the sale of goods or the supply of digital content or services provided in a single act or in a series of individual acts, OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. will be responsible for any lack of conformity that exists at the time of delivery or supply and manifests itself within a period of three years from delivery in the case of goods or two years in the case of digital content or services, without prejudice. of the provisions of article 115 ter, section 2, letters a) and b).

In this sense, it is understood that the products are in accordance with the contract provided that: they conform to the description made by OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. and possess the qualities presented therein; are suitable for the uses to which products of the same type are ordinarily intended; and present the usual quality and benefits of a product of the same type and that are reasonably expected from it. When this is not the case with respect to the products delivered to the User, the User must proceed as indicated in the Return of defective products or shipping error section. However, some of the products sold on the Website may present non-homogeneous characteristics as long as these derive from the type of material with which they have been manufactured, and therefore will form part of the individual appearance of the product, and They will not be a defect.

On the other hand, it could happen that the User purchases a product from a brand or manufactured by a third party on the Website. In this case, when it is impossible or an excessive burden for the User to contact the employer due to the lack of conformity, the User also has the possibility of contacting the brand or manufacturer responsible for the product to find out how to exercise their right of legal guarantee directly against them for the three years following the delivery of said products. To do this, the User must have kept all the information related to the product warranty.


If any part of these conditions of services is contrary to law and, therefore, invalid, this will not affect the other provisions in accordance with the law. The parties undertake to renegotiate those points of the conditions of service that are void and to incorporate them into the rest of the conditions of service.


OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. reserves the right to modify the general conditions of sale without prior notice, and may change, delete or add both the content and services presented through it and the way in which these appear to be presented or located on its servers.

These changes must be accepted by the user each time they make a purchase of a product or service through the website.

In the event that some of the terms of the general conditions of sale are declared integral or not enforceable by a court decision, the other provisions will remain in force.

For all questions that the User may have in relation to the Conditions, they can contact the owner using the contact information provided above or, where appropriate, using the contact form.


This site is located and operated in Spain. All matters relating to this site are governed by Spanish laws and are subject to to the jurisdiction of the competent Courts and Tribunals of Spain, without the principles of conflict of laws being applicable.

In those cases in which the client does not have the status of consumer or user, or has a domicile outside of Spain, he or she will submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona, ​​expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply.

If the user decides to use or consult this site outside of Spain, he must keep in mind that he does so on his own initiative, and that he is responsible for compliance with relevant laws.

This contract will come into force and take full effect from the moment the client or user accepts it.

This contract, and, therefore, the general conditions it incorporates, together with the annexes (if any), in addition to being read on this website, can be stored, archived and reproduced by the usual electronic or computer means.


The User can send to OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. his complaints, claims or any other comments that he wishes to make through the contact information provided at the beginning of these Conditions (General Information). Furthermore, OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. has official complaint forms available to consumers and users, and which they can request from OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. at any time, using the contact information provided at the beginning of these Conditions (General Information). Likewise, if the execution of this sales contract between OLIVIAS SELECCIONS S.L. and the User arises a dispute, the User as a consumer can request an extrajudicial dispute resolution, in accordance with EU Regulation No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 21, 2013, on online dispute resolution in consumption matter. You can access this method through the website: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

Withdrawal form:

Por la presente comunico que desisto de mi contrato de venta del siguiente bien/prestación del siguiente servicio: 

(*)Nº de pedido: ________________________________________________

(*)Nombre de contacto: __________________________________________

(*)Email de contacto: ____________________________________________

(*)Teléfono de contacto: __________________________________________

(*)Dirección del usuario: _________________________________________

(*)Descripción (indicar el/los producto/productos a devolver). ____________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(*)Fecha: _____________________________________________________

(*)Firma del consumidor/usuario (solo si el presente formulario se presenta en papel): 




(*) Campos obligatorios.  

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Product added to compare.